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A showcase of case studies, 
products and tools for IPV

Supported by:

IEA PVPS Task 15 project aims to create an enabling framework to accelerate the penetration of BIPV products in the global market of renewables.

Operazione co-finanziata dall’Unione europea, Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale, dallo Stato Italiano, dalla Confederazione elvetica e dai Cantoni nell’ambito del Programma di Cooperazione Interreg V-A Italia-Svizzera

IPV activities

At Eurac Research IPV is one of the topics covered by the Photovoltaic Energy Systems research group, which experts deals with performance and reliability of photovoltaic systems, solar resources, exploitation and mitigation of variability, PV integration in electricity grids, and buildings, precisely.

Research is performed in international cooperation projects but also directly with industry partners by supporting them in product development, quality testing and dynamic simulations of photovoltaic systems. Research projects are focused on development and test of photovoltaic modules for the integration into the grid and in buildings, performance evaluation of installed photovoltaic systems, development of online tools for the performance simulation of photovoltaic systems coupled with satellite data and geographical information systems. Scientific consultancy both for private enterprises and public authorities are provided in terms of yield assessment, performance simulation and due diligences of photovoltaic systems, evaluation of building stocks for photovoltaic applications, support in the building integration of photovoltaic systems, laboratory test of photovoltaic modules. The laboratories are a contact point between scientific research and private companies.

Explore some of the projects where the Photovoltaic Energy Systems experts are actively working on IPV, and discover some laboratories and facilities supporting their research activities.




Indoor Lab


Solar simulator for research and industry. The laboratory provides accredited power measurements and performance tests on photovoltaic modules.

Climatic chamber for research and industry for climatic and accelerated life tests on industrial products.

Laboratory for research and industry for thermal performance test of multifunctional façades and envelope elements.

Outdoor Lab and Test Field


Facility for the integration of photovoltaic systems in buildings and grids.

Facility for evaluating facade system and indoor environment interactions.

In cooperation with the Airport of Bolzano Dolomiti (ABD), Eurac Research has set up a multi-technology photovoltaic test facility for the detailed performance evaluation of different module technologies and mounting systems.



Forum “QualEnergia?” a Palermo


La III edizione del Forum “QualEnergia?” ha creato un positivo confronto sul tema dell’efficienza energetica e delle fonti rinnovabili, con un focus sull’integrazione del fotovoltaico nel paesaggio Da 14 anni…read

Study tour a Glass to Power


Nuovo study tour presso l'azienda “Glass to Power” a Rovereto Il 24 novembre 2021 i ricercatori di Eurac Research sono stati in visita a Glass to Power, azienda trentina che…read

Training workshop a Mendrisio: follow-up


Il giorno 7 ottobre 2021 si è svolto al Campus SUPSI di Mendrisio il corso di formazione, intitolato Edifici storici ed interventi nei nuclei - Tutela e risanamento, il contributo…read
