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IEA PVPS Task 15 project aims to create an enabling framework to accelerate the penetration of BIPV products in the global market of renewables.
Operazione co-finanziata dall’Unione europea, Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale, dallo Stato Italiano, dalla Confederazione elvetica e dai Cantoni nell’ambito del Programma di Cooperazione Interreg V-A Italia-Svizzera
The refurbishment of the Weyerguet Farm in Wabern, Germany, is a clear example of solar architecture on a historical building in an agricultural zone. The farm, originally built in 1842, was transformed into a condominium with 9 apartments and common areas, equipped with a photovoltaic system integrated into the roof. Before the refurbishment, the building consumed approximately 213,600 kWh/year. The energy efficiency measures adopted (insulation of the roof, walls and floor, new windows, and geothermal heat pumps) led to a reduction in the overall electricity requirements of almost 80%. Thanks to the energy efficiency works and solar architecture carried out, the building was awarded the 2020 Swiss Solar Prize.
Hansueli Pestalozzi, Monika Dillier, Brigitte Wittwer, Peter Schürch
The farm was refurbished in accordance with sustainable criteria; the materials used were mainly wood and ecologically compatible building components. The living area, which was increased by almost ¾, is characterised by a modern interior design, while maintaining the rural character.
The BIPV modules installed are flat, in matte glass, and are terracotta in colour. They blend perfectly with the form and colour of the building and the surroundings.
By generating approximately 37,600 kWh of electricity per year, the BIPV system covers 78 % of the energy requirements of the condominium.